February 2025 Students of the Month
9th grade Student of the Month
9th: Christian Siering: Christian has had a fantastic adjustment to high school. His grades have been consistently positive and he is a role model for his peers. In the classroom he is always on task and asks thoughtful and insightful questions. He sets high standards for himself, and isn’t satisfied until he has done his best work. Christian also gets along well with his classmates and demonstrates a degree of maturity and humility that is seldom, if ever, seen in a Freshman. He is well-deserving of this recognition. -Ms. Mariano
10th Grade Student of the Month
10th: Lucas Torres: Lucas is a great student. He is interested in doing his work and helps others when they are struggling. His grades are evidence of him being a hard worker. He often participates in class and brings energy to the classroom. -Ms. Kowar
11th Grade Student of the Month
11th: Avery Strausbaugh: Another one of my students I’m quite surprised has never won this distinction. Posessing a 99.508 GPA, and challenging herself with Honors Geometry, Honors Chemistry and Honors English, Avery is one of the top performers in the Class of 2026. The lowest grade she’s earned so far this year is a 95. A student who does not seek out recognition, she actually told me she didn’t want to be nominated. I ignored her. We need to recognize these shining stars and she is definitely one of them! I believe Avery plans on going into the carpentry field, where I have no doubt she will meet with a great deal of success. -Mr.Lynch
12th Grade Student of the Month
12th: Miliani Rodrigeuz: Milli overcame HUGE personal health challenges and prioritized re-engagement in school and completion of her high school education. She is resilient and dedicated in the face of adversity that most adults can’t even begin to comprehend. I could not be more amazed by what she has accomplished in the past year.- KPB
Athlete of the Month Male-
Marquis Marquette-Boys Basketball
Athlete of the Month Female-
Millie Figueroa-Girls Basketball