Open House 2023!
Open House 2023! Thanks for coming out. It was great to see everyone.
Congratulation to our New NHS members!
Ali Navarro Ashley Sanches Edwin Hernandez Gonzalez Madisyn Villa Mackenzy Villa Jada Torres Serenity Trinidad Sylas Karsaliakos Piper Kelly Claudia Lopez Hernaiz Makayla Smith Javielle Merle-Gonzalez Jaelynn Deleon Noah Torres Edward Carle Syrai Hill Aidan Roy Tyler Royce Aliyaah Lopez Jeremiah Barker Amirah Moore Desirae Rodriguez [...]
Thank you to our E.C. Goodwin Veterans!
Thank you to our E.C. Goodwin Veterans!!
Thanksgiving Buffet at E.C. Goodwin!
* PLEASE READ THIS WHOLE POST FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION As a reminder ALL Pre-Orders and Reservations need to be in by Wednesday November 15th Many of you have been asking about out our annual Thanksgiving Buffet and to-go items. We will be providing both this year. Below you will find [...]
Gladiator Times November 2023!
Gladiator Times November 2023!