College and Career Fair
October 28, 2019
EC Goodwin held its 2019-2020 College and Career Fair on September 19th. All juniors and seniors attended sixty minute sessions to help direct them to their choice for the future. parents and guardians were in attendance as well.
Some of this year’s attendees include:
- Air Force/Air Guard
- Albertus Magnus
- American International College
CCSU - CCSU Bridge Program
- CONNTAC, Financial Aid
- Fitchburg State University
- CT State Police
- Gateway Community College
- Goodwin College
- HRA of New Britain
- Johnson & Wales
- Local 478 IUOE
- Manchester CC
- Marines
- National Guard
- New Britain EMT/Fire
- New England Institute of Tech
- Pennsylvania College of Tech
- Southern Conn State University
- Tunxis Community College
- Union Apprenticeship Readiness
- Universal Technical Institute
- University of Bridgeport
- University of Connecticut
- University of Hartford
- University of New Haven
- Western Conn State University